Critical Mass

Events for UU's and Friends 18-35

March, April, May 1996

Newcomers welcome at all events


Sexuality discussion -- March 5
Spectruum conference -- April 5-7
Spring retreat -------- May 17-19
Campus Outreach helpers needed
Critical Mass Web Page
Group contacts

Note about RSVPing It's a good idea to call the host of an event to verify the meeting place and time. It also gives the host a better idea of how many people will be attending.


Sat., Mar 2 (Dance) Annapolis CONTRA DANCE, ICE CREAM SOCIAL, & BEGINNER'S WORKSHOP - $7. Call Tracy Gill (410) 263-5546 or email

Sun, Mar 3 (Rockville) OUT TO LUNCH. UCR's 20's and 30's will be going out to lunch following the second service. We will pick a spot close to the church. For questions, suggestions or directions, call Dave Marks (301) 890-2659.

Sun, Mar 3, 6pm (Fairfax) 20's & 30's Monthly BOOK DISCUSSION & POT-LUCK for February will actually be held Sunday, March 3 (February 32nd), 6pm at Dave Tripp's house in Reston. "The Dispossessed" by Ursula K. LeGuin. A futuristic novel about "one man's astonishing search for utopia." Call Dave (703) 834-3151.

Sun, Mar 3 (Arlington) Check out ALL SOULS CHURCH, ICE SKATING on Mall after (weather permitting). Call Andrea Beard (703) 578-1871 or Molly Klocksin (703) 538-6638.

Tues, Mar 5, 7pm (River Road) SEXUALITY DISCUSSION. - Relationships . . . sex . . . How do these things affect our lives? Our sexuality is an inextricable part of who we are, and guaranteed to start a good conversation! Bring your thoughts, curiosities, knowledge, concerns, taboos, and interests to this all-friendly discussion. No, this is not a hands-on demonstration . . . and all-friendly means ALL are invited, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, sexual practices, or anything else. Let's see what gets us going, shall we? Ca ll Brandi Stewart (301) 229-5285.

Sat, Mar 9, 3:30pm (Reston) BEER BREWING AND CONTRA DANCING. We will start brewing beer between 3:30 and 4:00 at Dave Tripp's in Reston. We plan to order pizza around 5:00 and leave for the Reston contra dance a little before 7:00. The beginner's workshop begins at 7:00. The dance itself is at 8:00 and is held at the Reston Community Center. Feel free to come for any or all of the activities. Call David Tripp (703) 834-3151.

Sat, Mar 9 (Arlington) ST. PADDY'S DAY PARADE, Old Town, Alexandria. Call Eddie Powers (703) 379-2745.

Sat, Mar 9, 6:30pm (Fairfax) 5th Annual CHILI COOK-OFF and Folk Dancin' at the Fairfax church. Come and enjoy great food, dancing and entertainment. Cost $10. Call Jeanne Swan (703) 938-4954.

Sun, Mar 10, 6PM (River Road) NON-FLUFF MOVIE NIGHT at the River Road Church. "Stale Roles and Tight Buns." How men are portrayed in the media. This is a follow-up to the last non-fluff movie. Newcomers are welcome. Call Brandi Stewart (301) 229-5285.

Sun, Mar 10 (Arlington) DOWNHILL SKI TRIP to Whitetail. Call Beth Merkulov (703) 916-7706.

Fri, Mar 15, 8pm (Annapolis) UU 333 COFFEEHOUSE in Annapolis. Great music, food, and folks! At Annapolis UU Sanctuary, 8-11pm every third Friday. Call Jan (410) 266-8044.

Sat, Mar 23, 11 AM (River Road) GREAT FALLS EXPLORATION. Explore off the beaten path. Bring lunch. Wear decent shoes, and dress appropriate to weather. Will not be canceled because of weather. Extra welcoming to newcomers. Meet at the RIVER ROAD church at 11, we'll car pool to the falls. CALL FIRST, Peter Dahlstrom (703) 318-1649.

Sat, Mar 23, 7pm (Rockville) ST. PATRICK'S DAY THEME POT LUCK DINNER. Come one, come all, to Dave's house and have a ball!!! Karl Zielinski, an Irish born lad, will cook his Irish stew, play some Irish music (on banjo, CD, et al) and give a brief history of the Emerald Isle. The evening will then take on whatever shape your hearts desire. For comments, questions and suggestions, call Karl (301) 614-3263. For directions, call Dave Marks (301) 890-2659.

Sat, Mar 23 (Dance) Annapolis SWING / JITTERBUG DANCE, WORKSHOP, AND ICE CREAM SOCIAL. Live band - Second Story - $8-$9. Call Tracy gill at (410) 263-5546 or email

Sun, Mar 24 (Rockville) OUT TO LUNCH. See March 3.

Sun, Mar 24, 6pm (Fairfax) 20's & 30's Monthly BOOK DISCUSSION & POT-LUCK - "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. Call Dave Tripp (703) 834-3151.

Sat, Mar 30, 1pm (Reston) BIKE RIDE in Loudon County. Meet at the Reston church. Call Tammy Hale (703) 742-0433 or David Tripp (703) 834-3151.


Weekend April 5-7 (Richmond) SPECTRUUM - Young Adult conference hosted by the Richmond Young adult group. Cost $45 - includes food. Call Mark Wilde (804) 261-7924 or Sandy Macon (540) 872-2555. (ed. note: This is always one of my favorite conferences.)

Sat, April 6 (Dance) Annapolis CONTRA DANCE, ICE CREAM SOCIAL, & BEGINNER'S WORKSHOP. See March 2.

Sun, April 14 (Arlington) NATIONAL ZOO Outing. Call Andrea Beard (703) 578-1871 or Molly Klocksin (703) 538-6638.

Sun, April 14 (Rockville) OUT TO LUNCH. See March 3.

Sun, April 14, 6pm (River Road) BEAUTY, THE EYE AND THE BEHOLDER - group discussion. Foot binding, body piercing, breast enlargement, belladonna eyedrops, arsenic tea, these are some of the things we will talk about in our discussion on the painful beauty practices of several different cultures (including ours). Call Heidi Foster (410) 354-0560.

Fri, April 19, 8pm (Annapolis) UU 333 COFFEEHOUSE in Annapolis. See Mar 15.

Sat, April 20, 10:30 am (Fairfax) HIKE MORE OF OCCOQUAN! Lots o' fun! Meet at Fairfax church. Call Al Colvill (703) 690-6823.

Sun, April 21, 6pm (Fairfax) 20's & 30's Monthly BOOK DISCUSSION & POT-LUCK - Call Dave Tripp (703) 834-3151.

Sat, April 27, 10am (Rockville) Outing to BRIGHTON DAM, CATOCTIN WINERY AND LUNCH at the Olney Ale House. Come view 10,000 azaleas, sample some wines (modest fee) and enjoy the company of other young adults. We will meet at UCR at 10 AM. Call Dave Marks (301) 890-2659.


Sat, May 4 (Dance) Annapolis CONTRA DANCE, ICE CREAM SOCIAL, & BEGINNER'S WORKSHOP. See March 2.

Sun, May 5, noon (Reston) ULTIMATE FIZBEE! Meet at Reston church, after the second service. We'll stop for lunch first. Call Al Colvill (703) 690-6823.

Sun, May 12 (Rockville) Trip to SUGAR LOAF MOUNTAIN. Following the second service today, join the UCR 20's and 30's on a hike over this scenic mountain, about an hour northwest of UCR, up I270. Please bring lunch. Call Dave Marks (301) 890-2659.

Fri, May 17, 8pm (Annapolis) UU 333 COFFEEHOUSE in Annapolis. See Mar 15.

Weekend, May 17-19 (Crit Mass) SPRING RETREAT at Camp Tockwogh in Maryland. See Flyer for details. See Web page for picture from last retreat. Call Brandi Stewart (301) 229-5285 or Erin Eichelberger at (703) 385-7282.

Sun, May 26, 4pm (Rockville) Dave Mark's 3'rd annual MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND POTLUCK DINNER: Call Dave with comments, suggestions or questions: (301) 890-2659

Sat-Mon, May 25-27 (Dance) ALMOST-HEAVEN CONTRA/SWING DANCE WEEKEND in Davis, WVA. in Monongahelia State Park (4-5 hours from DC). Lots of fun, beginners classes, cabins and tents, Cheat River, singing and dancing. Call Tracy Gill at (410) 263-5546.


June 20-25 (UUA) GA - (UU General Assembly) in Indianapolis, Indiana. Contact your church for details.

July 14-20 (UUA) SUUSI - Intergenerational UU conference at Radford University in Virginia. Call Ken Stroh (410) 426-5235

July 28 - Aug 3 (UUA) UUMAC is a small (150 person) intergenerational conference held in Allentown, Penn. Workshops, theme speaker, river rafting, hikes, worship, teen program, night owls, off campus activities, children's program. Special section of the dorm for Young Adults. Call board member Peter Dahlstrom (703) 318-1649. Check out the UUMAC Web page at

Aug 11 - 16 (CUUYAN) OPUS - Week long Young Adult conference hosted by Continental UUYA Network. Held this year at the 4H camp in Boone Iowa. Contact Debbie at, Dave Marks at (301) 890-2659, or Chip Olson at (617) 393-0590.


Contra dancing is like square dancing, but in long lines, and it is a lot more fun. - there is live music and a caller. A partner is not necessary.

ANNAPOLIS, MD - See monthly listings.

GLEN ECHO, MD contra dance every Friday at 8:30pm and Sunday at 7:30pm.

RESTON, VA Community Center monthly contra dance. See March 9 listing for an example.

HELEN, MD (northwestern St. Mary's County) every third Saturday. At the Margaret Brendt School. Beginners session 7:30 - 8pm, regular dance 8-11. Call Tony Fontaine (301) 862-1065.


Interested in helping UUism continue into the 21st century? Interested in helping people who are in college and may be searching for a religion find our accepting, liberal faith?

Eric, Peter, and Al recently participated in a district wide "Create a Campus Connection" workshop, lead by Donna DiSciullo of the UUA YA Ministry. The end product was a Joseph Priestley District task force on campus ministries, with the purpose of encouraging UU campus activity. We supplied them with plenty of wonderful ideas, and will give them assistance.

We are looking for people who are willing to help with newly forming campus groups, OR interested in creating UU activity on a specific campus, OR willing to work with the task force and CM to create a GWA strategy, OR willing to help in any other way.

Whatever you are willing to do will be appreciated. If you want more info or want to help -- at any level -- call Peter Dahlstrom (703) 318-1649.


The third annual ski trip was a great getaway vacation, filled with great skiing (great snow this year), enlivening conversation, shocking hot tub / snow diving combinations, excellent food -- especially lasagna, raspberry dessert, and a cornucopia of fruit -- spastic card playing, absence of medevacs, Jeanne's awesome waffles, and ending with an eye boggling waterfall hike (followed by the creation of a snow bear... OK, dog).

If you didn't go and want advance notice about '97, call Peter Dahlstrom (703) 318-1649.

YRUU Alumni Directory

I'm trying to track down/put together a list of YRUU Alumni. If you were ever a part of YRUU please send me your name, address, phone number, e-mail, and years involved/conferences attended. Please send your information to me at Note - if you don't have email, send your information to Peter Dahlstrom, 11023 Becontree Lake Dr, #307, Reston, VA 22090. He'll type it in.


HABITAT FOR HUMANITY H4H helps build housing for people who could not otherwise afford their own homes. We would like to join them one day this Spring and donate our efforts. It's guaranteed to be a day full of fun and friends, with some work thrown in as well.

We need a minimum number of people to do this, so please call ASAP if you are interested, and we will set a date. Brandi Stewart (301) 229-5285 or Peter Dahlstrom (703) 318-1649

New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival

I am planning to go this year. A UU church is offering bed and breakfast, and I think this would be a great opportunity to have some fun.

The festival runs from the last weekend in April to the first weekend in May.

Anyone interested in a traveling partner(s), call me, Karin K., at (703) 437-6307 and we'll set up a time to meet and see if we'll get along. I'm planning to fly, not drive, and then stay with the UU folks and take public transportation to get around town. Cheap! cheap! cheap!



The new JPD representatives, to CUUYAN, Eric & Peter, would like to thank the previous representative, Christine (Winchester) Perry, for her many years in the post. We will build on the foundations built by those who went before us -- and we only hope to equal Christine's contribution.


"Emissary" is really an overblown title, meaning general point of contact. If you have any questions about YA activity in the area, contact the Critical Mass Emissary, Peter Dahlstrom, at (703) 318-1649.

(ed. note: Peter also writes and helps edit a lot of this newsletter)


We need your donations. It costs over $150 to print and mail this newsletter. To make a donation, please make a check out to GWA-UUYAN and send it to the editor.


Critical Mass now has its own web page. It is new, and is still being enhanced, but please visit it, and send us any information or suggestions you have. I plan to make the text of Critical Mass available, along with updated event lists, and pictures from some events. The address is:


Contact the editor with any questions, suggestions, addresses, or events.

Eric Carlson
PO Box 3502
Reston, Va 22090

Phone: (703) 281-0244
E-mail: or

(My phone number might change in the next few months.)


See also Group Contacts Page

Note: local groups may plan activities that are not listed in Critical Mass. Contact your local group's leader to get the latest information.

Send your comments, suggestions and information to:
Eric Carlson at