It's a good idea to call the host of an event to verify the meeting place and time. It also gives the host a better idea of how many people will be attending.
This isn't a strictly UU thing, but I'm organizing a READING GROUP for bright, single adults in the mid-20's-mid-30's range. We will meet once a month to discuss contemporary fiction, with a few classics thrown in.
Meetings will be on the 2nd Wed of every month at 7pm at Luna Books, on P St. between 16th and 17th Sts NW.
This month - Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh.
If interested, call Melanie Scott (301)681-0866,
GA - (UU General Assembly) in Indianapolis, Indiana. Contact your church for details.
I'm going to see CHICK COREA. If anyone wants to buy lawn tix and join me, they are certainly welcome. We can picnic for awhile, then I have to work [as a volunteer usher] (ugh) until after intermission. Karin K. (703)437-6307.
SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK - the free for all!! Wanna spend the day in DC? I did this last year with a girlfriend and had a great time. Tickets are given out at the Shakespeare theatre (7th St NW) and at Carter Barron starting at noon on the day of the performances. Meet at the Shakespeare theatre, in line, between nine and ten that morning. We can take shifts doing the (necessary) two hour wait. With tickets in hand, we can go boating on the Potomac à la Thompsons boathouse or Jack's Canoe (sculls, canoes, whatever) until 6pm or so, then have dinner and catch the show at 8:30pm. Call Karin K. (703)437-6307.
CANNON'S BASEBALL GAME, possible picnic before hand, call John Robinette (703) 524-2282, or Paul Sanford (202) 364-8099.
WOLF TRAP JAZZ & BLUES FESTIVAL. Call Andrea Beard (703) 578-1871.
BEER BOTTLING AND BREWING. Come help bottle the beer we brewed in our March event, and help us start a new batch. Dave Tripp (703) 834-3151
FALL RETREAT PLANNING MEETING / POT LUCK. The spring retreat was EXTREMELY successful (kudos again to Erin)--let's use it as a foundation and build an even more amazing fall retreat! Planning`ll be fun --we can try out all the silly games! Possible retreat theme--"Harvesting Community." At Pete's Place. Call Peter Dahlstrom (703) 620-0055 for directions or if you're interested in helping in any way.
WHITE-WATER RAFTING trip at Harpers Ferry. The trip actually starts at 2:45pm and takes about 3.5 - 4 hours. We can hang around Harpers Ferry afterwards if we want, maybe stage a rebellion or something. Please let Ted know ASAP if you want to go, so he can make reservations. $47.75/person, $42.75 groups of 10+. Call Ted Mittman (703)532-8609,
BALTIMORE SCIENCE CENTER. It's cool, fascinating, and bound to stimulate your mind. Afterwards we can have dinner at Harbor Place. We will be meeting in front of the Science Center at 1pm. There is an admission charge. Call Heidi Foster (410)354-0560, or Eric Carlson (703) 834-0356.
Monthly BOOK DISCUSSION/ POT LUCK. The Long Dark Tea-Time
of the Soul by Douglas Adams. At Dave Tripp's house. Call
Dave (703) 834-3151.
BUSCH GARDENS. It's time for thrills and chills, roller-coasters and log flumes. It's our annual trip. Meet at the Fairfax Church at 7am. Call Al Colvill (703) 690-6823 or Dave Tripp (703) 834-3151.
ULTIMATE FIZBEE! (Also called Frisbee) All skill levels appreciated--we play to have fun, not to be competitive. Maybe also--Guerrilla croquet. Meet at Reston church at 1pm. Please have lunch beforehand & bring water. Call Peter Dahlstrom (703) 620-0055.
1,000 Acres by Jane Smiley.
(See June 19 for details)
BIKE RIDE. Meet at the Reston Church. We will drive to a suitable location. Length of ride will depend on weather (temperature) and participants preferences. Dave Tripp (703) 834-3151.
SUUSI CONFERENCE - Intergenerational UU conference at Radford University in Virginia. Call Ken Stroh (410) 426-5235 for contact information.
POTLUCK DINNER AND "ORANGE SERVICE" at Dave Marks' place. Pot-luck from 7pm to 9pm followed by the "Orange Service" led by Karl Zielinski at 9pm. Afterwards, listen to Dave's cat, Junior, relate stories of high adventure as he and Sylvester tried to catch Tweety Bird. For info about the "Orange Service," call Karl (301)614-3263. For directions, call Dave (301) 890-2659.
Monthly BOOK DISCUSSION/ POT LUCK. A Brief History of Time: from the Big Bang to Black Holes by Stephen W. Hawking. At Dave Tripp's house. Call Dave (703) 834-3151.
UUMAC CONFERENCE. One helluva good time. Week long intergenerational conference at Allentown College in Pennsylvania, with river rafting, workshops, theme talks, Night Owls, worships, Ultimate, etc. etc. etc. Advanced warning from insider Peter -- so popular this year that there have been an unprecedented number of requests for scholarships. Not all requests can be fulfilled. Contact board member Peter Dahlstrom for more info about the conference, (703)620-0055. These DC area young adults will be there: Peter Dahlstrom, Erin Eichelberger, Eric Carlson, Al Colvill, Dave Tripp, Melanie Scott, and more.
The GYPSY KINGS put on an awesome show. If anyone wants to do a lawn picnic and have a really wild time, contact me and I'll put something together. We could drink beer and eat tapas (Latin theme). Call Karin K. (703)437-6307.
437-6307 for date and time.
OPUS '96, Drawing the Circle. Young Adult Continental conference, in Boone, IA. $185 includes room, board, all activities, mugbook, t-shirt, and C*UUYAN membership fee. Some scholarship funds may be available. For info, please contact Charles Henderson, 3347 Bloomington Ave, S. Minneapolis, MN 55407, (612)724-1640, or Sarah Easton, 1534 Kingwood Ave, Crete NE 68333, (402)826-3450,
Monthly BOOK DISCUSSION/ POT LUCK. Call Eric Carlson (703) 834-0356.
Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe.
(See June 19 for details)
Dave Marks, Dave Roelant, Roger LaMarche and Karl Zielinski will be giving a talk on their YOUNG ADULT EXPERIENCES as part of UCR's regular summer service series. Also included, will be an "Affirmation Circle" worship service. Time: 10:15am for the coffee hour, 10:45am for the service. At the Unitarian Church of Rockville (UCR). For information or directions call Karl (301) 614-3263.
(See July 7)
MASH OUT - Beer brewers camping weekend in Rocky Gap Maryland. Adults of all ages. Hosted by Chuck & Helen Popenoe (301) 229-0549. Call Eric Carlson (703) 834-0356.
INTERNATIONAL POT LUCK! Vindaloo, Galangal, Mole', Marsala.
We'll feast on food that's far from the beaten norm. Good international
music. All levels of cookers and eaters welcome. At Pete's Place.
Call Peter Dahlstrom (703) 620-0055 for directions.
(See July 7)
Meet at the Fairfax Church at 1pm to HIKE EVEN MORE OF THE OCCOQUAN. That's right, Al Colvill has hiked at least a third of that great Northern Virginia Hiking Trail - The OCCOQUAN (one of the bigger bodies of water west of the Potomac and east of the Prince William county line). Call Al at (703) 690-6823.
FALL RETREAT at Camp Tockwogh. Call Eric Carlson (703)834-0356
or Peter Dahlstrom (703)620-0055.
That's right, campus ministry. Eric, Peter and Al (otherwise known as EPA--a real neat, clean group) attended a JPD (Joseph Priestley District--some of PA, NJ, DE, MD and NoVa meeting on campus ministry a few months ago).
Al volunteered to check on the process at George Mason. A couple of phone calls yielded only a little information, however a Unitarian GMU student suggested that we set up a booth/table during the week of August 25. Al is still looking into this; however, anyone who might want to represent their specific church, or the UU faith in general should call Al Colvill, (703)690-6823 or Peter Dahlstrom, (703)620-0055, and remember, if Al ends up staffing the table alone, all the curious students will think UUs are horribly prone to punning (or is that prone to horrible puns?).
This notice is aimed at all those in the NoVa area, such as Restoners,
Fairfaxers, Accotinkers, Arlingtonites and Alexandrians. If anyone
on the Maryland side or the DC side takes exception, you are invited
to research AU, Georgetown, GWU, U of M, etc.
All you have to do to get your events listed is give the editor (Eric) write-ups of them. Using the standard formats and including all necessary information is appreciated.
If you would like to be notified when events for the next Critical Mass are being collected, please contact the Emissary (Peter).
Brandi Stewart is in Seattle while she recovers from non-elective, non-life-threatening surgery. She's well and wants to return to the area as soon as she can logistically manage, which may be the end of the summer. Let's all send warm fuzzies in her direction. Her address there is 19129 SE 45th St. Issaquah, WA 98207. - Peter
For pictures, updates, and other Young Adult and UU information, check out the Critical Mass Web Page:
Please contact the editor NOW, if we haven't heard from you this year, to let him know whether or not you want to remain on the mailing list.
We will be checking our database and sending out notices with the next newsletter to people we haven't heard from.
A new volunteer position has been created! One of the steps in the maturity of this kind of group is the creation of a memory. Concretely, this means the collection (and organization) of notes, papers, forms, and memorabilia from past Critical Mass events. This allows people to learn from the past, which reduces the amount of work leaders have to do and also makes for better events.
Erin Eichelberger has volunteered to be our Archivist! If you have any objects that should go into our Critical Mass archive, please contact her at (703) 385-7282.
"Emissary" is really an overblown title, meaning general point of contact. If you have any questions about YA activity in the area, contact the Critical Mass Emissary, Peter Dahlstrom (see group listing).
(ed. note: Peter also writes and helps edit a lot of this newsletter)
If you have any questions, suggestions, addresses, or events, contact the editor, Eric Carlson (see group listing).
It costs over $150 to print and mail this newsletter. To make a donation, please make a check out to GWA-UUYAN and send it to the editor.