Critical Mass UUYAN

Information for DC area Unitarian Universalists and friends -- in their 20's & 30's

Greater Washington Area UU Young Adult Network

Newcomers and visitors welcome at all events

Critical Mass Retreat Critical Mass Retreat


- Winter Escape

- Spectruum Easter Retreat (dormant)

- Mayhem: JPD-UUYAN Spring Retreat

- General Assembly (GA): The yearly meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. The myriad programs, business events, and exhibits provide a rich experience to the thousands of UUs who attend each year.

- UUMAC: An intergenerational one-week gathering.

- OPUS: The annual spiritual retreat of the Continental Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network. We are an intentional community of seekers exploring liberal religion, social justice and diversity.

- Concentric: The annual business meeting and leadership development conference of the Continental Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network (C*UUYAN). ConCentric creates and disseminates tools and tactics for young leadership to build and energize religious communities with radical spiritual values.


- What's New? Updated: May 17, 2011

- Monthly Book Discussions

- Photos: Go to "Eric's Photos" & "Eric & Heidi's Photos" on Eric's page, also check out Darrell's photos from Mayhem 2002 and Fall 2000 retreats.

- Contacts & Resources
- Critical Mass E-mail Lists
- Critical Mass Yahoo Groups
- Critical Mass Contacts List
- DC area Young Adult Groups (via JPD-UUYAN)
- Joseph Priestley District UU Young Adult Network
- DC area Congregations (via GWA), and more

- Critical Mass Newsletter Archive

- What is Critical Mass/GWA-UUYAN?

Send your questions, comments, suggestions and information to:
Eric Carlson at, and visit Eric's web page

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Copyright 1996-2011 by Eric L. Carlson, GWAUUYAN, and Critical Mass.